Technical translation

Technical translation

Technical translation is a type of specialized translation with content and terminology that belongs to a specific sector, such as engineering, energy, electronics, automotive, chemistry, electronics, mining, telecommunications, metallurgy or construction. We find...
Translating Humour

Translating Humour

Is it possible to translate humour?   Translating humour is often difficult, as humour consists of cultural references in the source language, often full of stereotypes, inside jokes and references to characters from a certain context. Creativity is essential in order...
Sworn Translations

Sworn Translations

What is a sworn translation and how does it differ from a conventional one? Sworn translations are signed by an official or sworn translator to be submitted to an official body such as a court or a public administration, or a public or private company that requests...
Translation of your website

Translation of your website

Your website is the presentation of your activity and services to the world, and to stand out you need to differentiate yourself from the competition with an attractive design and good content. Why limit your brand by having your website in only one language, when you...
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